Sunday, June 19, 2011


I was outside under the sun and nice summer breeze. I wasn't doing anything in particlar, just basking. I looked around and there were little yellow dots of dandelions all over the yard. Most people see dandelions as a nuisance, a weed. But I think they are quite lovely. You can make chains of dandelions into crowns, necklaces, bracelets, etc.

I started thinking about this more deeply, don't as me why, and I realized that choosing the dandelions to decorate my blog is just perfect. Sometimes I feel like a dandelion. I may be beautiful and appreciated at some moments (like I had been doing with the dandelions that afternoon), but most of the time I feel unwanted and bothersome. But then when the dandelions continues to mature it changes into that white ball of fluff. It's free, and flies away, to grow someplace new.

I thought this was very inspirational, and I realized that is my story at this point in my life. A teenage girl will feel ugly, unwanted, etc at some point, no matter how good she has it. Realizing that these things are not true is part of growing up. Then, when her adult life starts, she starts to mature and find herself free to begin again and grow if she chooses. But getting through that first phase as a yellow dandelion is necessary. And God is the one that never thinks we are simply ugly weeds that need to be plucked. He transforms us into the dandelion that is free to fly and rides wherever the breeze will take us.

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