Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Job Interviews and butterflies in the stomach

I just got done with a job interview. It's for a company called Budget Blinds, and I really hope I get this job! It's so nice. It's a receptionists position, but I would also run the showroom. It's full time, so that's definitely a plus. It fits in really with everything that I've been planning. The thing is, it's not just a good job, it's a career that I could see myself going in to. It leans towards interior decorating... but for windows lol. And it fits my personality perfectly. It would allow me to be independant (I would be alone in the office a lot), it offers good hours and pay, and it's something that I'm interested in. I could actually see myself doing this job a few years down the road, and it gives me the oppertunity to grow in the business and do that. The funny thing is, I didn't get butterflies in my stomach until after the interview when I realized how much I wanted the job.

Just the fact that I've had this oppertunity is proof that God is so great. He knows who I am, and helps me see that. I had no idea how much this job would fit me until I had the interview basically set up for me. It was all referalls from connections and friends. I barely had to do anything. So even if I don't get this job, I'm that much closer to finding the kind of job that would make me happy. And that is the thing that I am looking for, a job that will satisfy and provide for me.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Life Choices

Sometimes life does not go the way you planned it. I have been dealing with this fact for the last couple months. I want to go back to school this fall, but events this summer have been pointing in a different direction. One of these events is the job interview I have coming up this wednesday. This whole summer I have been looking for a job unsuccessfully. I have been wondering if maybe this is a sign that I need to financially stabalize myself this next year instead of going back to school. Maybe this is the time to become independant and move out of my parents house for good. The job interview is even more of a sign of this. It is a very good job, I am lucky to have a chance at it. If all goes well and I do get the job... well it doesn't start until the end of summer which would be when I went back to school in a different city.

So I am resigned. I'm convinced that this next year will be spent paying bills and building my credit score instead of studying. But this will be a good thing. It will allow me to taste true freedom and responsiblity and help me begin my own life, and what paths I will take in the future. :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Favorite Holiday

This weekend is the Independance day, my favorite holiday! And this one is especially special :) becuase my family is having an all family reunion the whole weekend <3 I've always loved the fourth of July, everyone gets together in one place to eat good food, go swimming, play games, and watch fireworks. It's warm and sunny, and there's always tons of laughter in the breeze.

Another reason I love the fourth of July is becuase it's a time to sit back and reflect on the beginning of our country. This weekend would be a great time to maybe go online and review our declaration of independance, maybe go back through our history books and read the stories of the soldiers who suffered to make this country happen. It really is an amazing story. All odds were against us. To me that is evidence enough that God was watching over our early leaders and citizens.

The fourth of July is not just another day to celebrate. It is the celebration of the anneversary of our independance as a country, as a people, and as a new idea.